QUAFL Team Announcement and Individual Registration
ACU Paladins
Adelaide Augureys
ANU Owls
Blackburn Basilisks
Glenelg Gargoyles
La Trobe Trolls
Macarthur Weasleys
Macquarie Marauders
Melbourne Manticores
Melbourne Unicorns Orange
Melbourne Unicorns Blue
Monash Muggles
Monash Mudbloods
Newcastle Fireballs
QUT Lycans
South Melbourne Centaurs
Sydney City Serpents
UNSW Snapes on a Plane
USC Dementors
UTS Opaleyes
Western Sydney QC
Whomping Willows QC
Wrackspurts QC
Individual registration is also here! All individuals wishing to be included on their team’s roster must fill out this form by midnight November 6th. The form is compulsory for playing and non-playing individuals.