Quidditch at UniBattle 2015
This year quidditch will be a part of the Australian University Sports UniGames, UniBattle 2015. The Australian Quidditch Association, headed by Eva Alexandra and Hannah Monty have been working with the Australian University Sports to create the facilities for quidditch to be played at UniBattle for the first time ever, a huge step forward in establishing quidditch into the mainstream sporting community.
Joining the ranks of floorball, dodgeball, 3×3 basketball, 3×3 wheelchair basketball and social 7s softball, quidditch will feature in this 3 day tournament for a series of friendly matches.
Commencing from the 15th-17th of May on the Gold Coast, any university quidditch team is applicable to send a team of between 10 and 21 players with applications closing on the 30th of April. Registration fees are $125 (+$5 transaction fee). Teams can register here: https://2015unibattle.fusesport.com/registration/311/web/ or talk to their university sports teams representatives.
For live streaming coverage of the tournament, check out the video below during the 15th and 17th of May.