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17 hours ago · New Bank Account Details of CHQ - Corporate Office writes to all the CGMs. Comrades are aware that the CHQ of BSNLEU had it’s account with the Corporation Bank, at New Delhi. The Corporation Bank has now merged with the Union Bank of India. Consequently, CHQ’s Bank account number and the IFSC Code have also changed.
The BSNL Corporate Office has issued instructions for the treatment of the COVID-19 patients. The salient features are as follows. The requirement that the Designated Officer should visit the patient under indoor treatment, is waived. This applies to all deceases. The Covid patients can avail treatment in non-empanelled hospitals.
Ms. Yojana Das, who had served in the Corporate Office for long years, is appointed by the government as the Director (Finance) of BSNL. After the retirement of Shri K.C.G.K. Pillai, the post of Director (Finance) was lying vacant for many years. Both BSNLEU and the AUAB have conducted many programmes demanding to fill up the Director (Finance ...
Responding to the proposal of the Recruitment Branch of the BSNL Corporate Office, to hold the LICEs of the Non-Executives online, BSNLEU has written a firm reply. In the letter addressed to the Director (HR), BSNLEU has reasoned that, Non-Executive cadres like TT and ATT do not have access to computer in their day to day works.
Hence, BSNLEU wrote to the Corporate Office on 02.04.2020, demanding the BSNL Corporate Office to endorse the DoP&T letter. Accepting BSNLEU’s demand, the Corporate Office has issued letter, endorsing the DoP&T letter. Circle Secretaries are requested to kindly ensure the implementation of the DoP&T instruction.
BSNLEU has been continuously demanding the Corporate Office Management to issue the notification for holding the JE LICE under 50% quota. Repeatedly, the issue was discussed by BSNLEU, at the level of the Director (HR) and the GM (Estt.). Even yesterday, BSNLEU wrote a letter to the GM (Estt.) of the Corporate Office.
Corporate Office accepts the demand of BSNLEU, in respect of the Non-Executives transferred from Hyderabad to Vijayawada. BSNLEU has demanded that the 3 rd batch of Non-Executives, transferred from CGM office Hyderabad to the CGM office Vijayawada, on bifurcation, should be retained till 31-05-2018 at Hyderabad.
However, subsequently, the Admin Branch of the Corporate Office has intimated BSNLEU that this Rs.429/- tariff plan could not be extended to the Non-Executives, citing lame excuses. BSNLEU has written to the Director (HR), expressing it’s unhappiness over the non-fulfilment of the commitment given by the Chairperson of the National Council.
Dec 21, 2018 · BSNLEU has already written many letters, taking instances of non-implementation of Corporate Office orders on the subject. However, the Corporate Office has not taken any meaningful measure, to ensure the payment of minimum wages and implementation of the EPF and ESI schemes for the contract workers.
This website is designed and maintained for BSNL Employees Union Telangana Circle by. Challa Siva Prasad (Anantapur) Email : Phone : +91-9440890122
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