Searching for Cantabil Retail India Corporate Office info? You have come to exactly the right place. We collected all data about Cantabil Retail India Corporate Office.

Cantabil Home
    HEAD OFFICE. Cantabil Retail India Ltd. B-16 Lawrence Road Industrial Area, New Delhi. Phone: 91-11-27156381, 27156382 Fax: 91-11-27156383. Email:

Cantabil Retail India Ltd, New Delhi Company & Key ...
    Cantabil Retail India Ltd Address - B-16, Ist Floor, Lawrence Road Ind. Area New Delhi Delhi , 110035 (011) 27156381 27156382 Industry Retail, Garment , Textile. Company Type Industry Top. Sector Private Sector. Est. No. of Emp. Available. Est. Total Turnover ...Location: New Delhi/Delhi, B-16, Ist Floor, Lawrence Road Ind. Area, 110035

Cantabil Home
    Presence. We have chains of exclusive retail outlets under the brand name "Cantabil" which display and sell the brand exclusively. To enhance visibility and to ensure maximum footfalls, our stores are situated at malls and at prominent locations of the major metro, mini metros, large cities and other Tier II cities.

Cantabil Home
    About Cantabil. Cantabil Retail India Ltd. is in the business of designing, manufacturing, branding and retailing of apparels under the brand name of CANTABIL. We have a network of 320+ exclusive retail outlets & employee strength of more than 2500 spread across India. The Company started its garments manufacturing and retailing business in the year 2000 and opened its first Cantabil store in …

Cantabil Retail India Ltd. Company Profile, Address ...
    Registered & Corporate Office: Address: B - 16, Ground Floor, Lawrence Road, Industrial Area, City: New Delhi: State: Delhi: Country: India: Pincode: 110035: Telephone: 27156381, 27156382: Fax ...

Cantabil Retail India Head Office Cantabil Retail India ...
    Mar 19, 2021 · You can view the entire list of company locations such as Registered Office, Branch Office, Head Office, Corporate Office, Regional Offices, Overseas Office, Factory, Plants, and Training Centers etc. with details for Cantabil Retail India Ltd.

Cantabil Retail India Limited
    Cantabil Retail India Limited This presentation has been prepared by Cantabil Retail India Limited (the “Company”) solely for information purposes and does not constitute any offer, recommendation or invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities, and shall not form the basis or be relied on in connection with any contract or binding

Cantabil Home
    Corporate Governance Report: Code of Conduct: Committees of The Board of Directors: Postal Ballot Notice: Notice of Board Meeting: Policies: Dividend: Declaration: Amended AOA: Amended MOA: Familiarization Programme : Investor's Contact: Business Overview: Investers Education & Protaction Fund: Annual Reports : Press Release/Media Release ...

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