Due to the poor air quality in NSW in the past several weeks, Quidditch Australia has assembled a policy in the case of poor air quality in the case of QUAFL 2019 – the National Championships, currently set to be held in Kayess Park, Minto.
This policy is available via the download link below, but is also elaborated on in this page for convenience.
Quidditch Australia Hazardous Air Quality Policy (2019)DownloadThis policy is designed to protect the health and safety of players in the event of hazardous air quality. High levels of airborne pollutants, ground level ozone, other dangerous gases, but especially particles, can be dangerous, particularly to more vulnerable players such as asthmatics, and anyone else with heart, lung, or respiratory issues. Dangers can be compounded when playing intense sports such as quidditch, where active participants and vocal spectators will be inhaling at higher rates than at rest, breathing is deeper so more parts of the lungs can be affected, and breathing is typically through the mouth, bypassing natural air filtration systems in the nasal cavity. The Air Quality Index (AQI) provides a comparison of air pollutants, standardising measurements into a composite index scale, which will be referred to in this policy.