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3 rows · Mar 27, 2018 · The Blackwold Headquarters is a landmark in Chetwood in Bree-land . Located in the northern ...Area: Chetwood
Find Blackwold's Roost "Once an abode of the Men of Arnor, these walls now house an unruly mob of outlaws calling themselves the Blackwolds." Find Blackwold Headquarters "Long ago, this ruin fortress guarded Cardolan against the armies of Angmar and Rhudar, but now it serves as the seat of power for the Blackwold brigands." Find Woodsedge Ruins
Mar 14, 2020 · Blackwold Headquarters Map Coordinates: 26.6S, 44.4W If you thought Blackwold’s Roost was big, it’s nothing compared to Blackwold Headquarters. But this HQ sits way too close to Archet for comfort, so maybe you could “thin the numbers”, “take a few of the rascals out”.
Apr 17, 2021 · Find Blackwold's Roost [26.7S, 46.4W] Once an abode of the Men of Arnor, these ruins now house an unruly mob of outlaws calling themselves the Blackwolds. Find Blackwold Headquarters [26.6S, 44.4W] Long ago, this ruined fortress guarded Cardolan against the armies of Angmar and Rhudaur, but now it serves as the seat of power of the Blackwold ...
May 25, 2020 · See Blackwold Headquarters. Additionally, some Blackwold Brigands can be found camped and wandering around South of Blackwold Headquarters. Note: Both these locations count towards the Ruins of Bree-land Deed. You can also find the Ancient Cairn in Blackwold’s Roost, which is an item for the History of the Dúnedain Deed.
Exploration deed focused around discovering the many ruins of Bree-Land. Find Bronwe's Folly Find Hillshire Ruins Find Old Greenway Fort Find Blackwold's Roost Find Blackwold Headquarters Find Woodsedge Ruins Find Ost Baranor (Blackwold Ruin) Find Marshwater Fort Find Goblinhole Ruins Find South-guard Ruins Reward: Patience +2 Data Entered By: --Esteldir 12:45, 27 March 2007 (EDT)
Mar 13, 2015 · Blackwold's Roost or Blackwold Headquarters, or any of the camps in Southern Bree-fields: 60 Brigands +1 Justice: Brood-hunter name="bspid"> 150 Barrow-spiders: Title: Brood-hunter: Barrow of Taradan 30.9S, 55.0W, Haudh Taenthond 30.3S, 56.1W There are some in other barrows also. 300 Barrow-spiders +1 Zeal: Grave-digger name="bward"> 150 Barrow-wardens
Feb 08, 2010 · Past the wolves you will find the Blackwold camps, needed for Finding Amdir and Unpaid Debts – the bandits here will drop the favorite fishing pole for Mourning the Dead. Northeast you will find the Blackwold Headquarters; wait here to see Covell Woodwright for Reconnecting Tie. Again continue east from the lumbermill, into Chetwood.
Oct 28, 2012 · Chetwood South (Blackwold ruins), Midge water marshes has 2 locations to check The main ruins where the queen is and some ruins NW of there. Chetwood North (Blackwold HQ) Each spot here should grant about 2 nodes.
Apr 21, 2011 · But yes, he seems to path through the Blackwold headquarters down towards the wolf-farm. Reply With Quote. Apr 21 2011, 11:39 AM #6. Ayrolen. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Counter of Stairs Join Date Jan 2007 Location Lake Charles, LA Posts 6,840. Re: baugarch ...
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