Searching for Old School Runescape Ham Headquarters info? You have come to exactly the right place. We collected all data about Old School Runescape Ham Headquarters.
The location of the entrance to the H.A.M. Hideout. The H.A.M. Hideout is the base of operations for the H.A.M. organisation. The entrance is located in north-east Lumbridge (north-east of the Lumbridge furnace and west of the Lumbridge cow field) in an old mine. To open the Old Mine Entrance, players need to pick the lock on it with their Thieving skill, for a gain of 1xp for each attempt and 4xp for …
The H.A.M. Hideout is the base of operations for the Humans Against Monsters organisation. It is located west of the Lumbridge general store. To enter it, the player will need to pick the lock on the trapdoor to get in. This can be done with the player's hand, but a lockpick will increase the …
Their main headquarters is located in the Old mine entrance, which can be found on the path from Lumbridge to Varrock, just south of the Lumbridge God Statue. A …
H.A.M. members can be found in the H.A.M. Hideout northwest of Lumbridge. They are part of the Humans Against Monsters group, as such, they believe humans to be superior over what they view as inferior races. They are low ranking members that follow the orders of high-ranked members such as the H.A.M. Deacon, Sigmund, and Johanhus Ulsbrecht. Players with 15 Thieving may pickpocket female ...
The ham hood is worn by the members of Humans Against Monsters. It is obtained from Thieving H.A.M members or dropped by H.A.M. Guards. When worn, players are slightly less likely to be kicked out of the H.A.M. Hideout when pickpocketing male and female H.A.M. members. Wearing this will not increase player's chances of success pickpocketing, however.[1]
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