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Welcome to the DC Scottish Rite website which has been designed with you mind. Visit from your desktop, tablet or mobile phone. Whether you’re already a Valley of Washington valued member residing locally or overseas, an aspiring Scottish Rite Mason, or a Scottish Rite Mason sojourning in the nation’s capital, the Valley of Washington is dedicated to supporting your online search for news …
That’s right: Master Craftsman is now ONLINE! Since its inception in 2009, the Scottish Rite Master Craftsman education program has been a leading source for Masonic education, not only here in the Southern Jurisdiction, but also across the globe.
The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Orient of Washington has elevated the hearts and minds of great men for over 140 years by providing an environment to Know Thyself. OUR CREED Human progress is our cause, liberty of thought our supreme wish, freedom of conscience our mission, and the guarantee of equal rights to all people everywhere our ultimate goal.
The Scottish Rite Temple is located at 1733 16th St., NW, between R and S Sts. Tours are offered on weekdays from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Appointments must be made to peruse the library's collections. For further information, please call 202/232-3579. Metro stop: Dupont Circle
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